I provide specialised, tailored maths tutoring for primary school-aged children who are struggling to keep up in class, as well as guided preparation for the year 6 SATs.

My years working as a primary school teacher have given me a thorough understanding of exactly what steps are needed for your child to become confident and fluent in maths.

My specialism is enabling children to overcome their barriers to learning maths. I can help with fluency in mental addition, subtraction and multiplication using the renowned Numbersense Programme where appropriate. Tricky concepts such as fractions, percentages or negative numbers can be easily explained in a way to suit the learning style of your child. Worded problems are baffling – I can explain them, how to solve them and teach your child to create their own SATs-style worded problems to build confidence in tackling these questions.

I have extensive experience in guiding year 6 students towards excelling in their SATs over numerous years and I can prepare your child to achieve their potential in their SATs, including help with exam technique and time management.

Qualified Teacher Status 2009

Enhanced DBS Check No, Basic DBS only
Subjects Maths
Levels Primary, SATs
Price £35 - £45
Languages Spoken english
Location Ireland
Timezone GMT
Voucher Scheme Approved No
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